Wednesday 30 September 2009

Counting money using the computer.

As part of learning about tens and units, we have been using the computer to help us count money. We have added two prices together by counting the tens and ones. We have found it easier to group all the tens together and then count the ones after.

Using the internet to find out information.

As part of our investigations into the life of Roald Dahl, we have been using our Communication skills to search the internet to find as much out about him as we can. We have looked at The official Roald Dahl website to help us.

Communication skills in Personal and Social Development lessons.

We have participated in circle time activities. The persona doll came to join us for the day. We talked about our feelings.

Yr 2 Autumn Term Areas Of Learning Topic – The world of Roald Dahl

Recounts – Writing about events that have happened.
Stories with familiar settings (characters, settings, event, problem, resolution).
Poetry – rhyming / nonsense poetry.
Writing lists
Writing Instructions
Punctuation – Capital letters, full stops, speech marks.
All about an Author – Roald Dahl.
The BFG and George’s Marvellous Medicine.

Count on and back in ones and tens.
Count 100 objects by grouping in 5s or 10s.
Splitting tens and units 56 = 5 tens 6 units.
Write, order and position numbers to 100.
Adding three numbers.
Number bonds to 10, 20, 100 i.e. 1 + 9, 2 +8.
Missing numbers – addition and subtraction.
Estimate, measure lengths, cms and metres.
Time – days, weeks, months, seasons
2D & 3D shapes and their properties.
Doubles / Halves to 30.
Money – addition / giving change from £2

Personal and social Education
Class rules
All about me
Self – evaluation
Thinking skills
Making choices
Right and wrong
New beginnings.

Knowledge and Understanding
Health and Growth -
Diet, reproduction,
Exercise, medicines.
Variation – similarities / differences in animals and plants.
School life in Victorian times.
Awareness of Pontyclun and mapping skills.
Care and concern for the world.

Creative Development
Exploring duration
Exploring pulse and rhythm.
Illustrator –Quentin Blake.
Design and make models.
Observational Drawings
Christmas Craft.

Physical Development
Gymnastics – PESS
Games – Throwing and Catching, ball skills and team building games.
Cutting and sticking
Building and constructing.
Handwriting manipulation.

Welsh Language Development

Reading - Please encourage your child to read on a daily basis. Your child will have a Reading day in school where he/she will be listened to by the teacher or the teacher’s assistant. If your child finishes his/her book before this day, we are happy to change it for another one at any time.

Writing – Children should be confident in writing sentences using finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. Encouragement of the correct formation of letters would be greatly beneficial.

Numeracy – Children should be confident in counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. They should practise mental addition and subtraction, doubles and halves and odds and evens.

Tens and Units

We have been learning all about place value. We use the tens and units blocks to make numbers. We work together in small groups and give each other different numbers to make. Then we check to see if our partner has done it correctly.

Plotting our graphs

After measuring each other, we looked carefully at our results and then plotted them on a block graph. From the graph we could see how tall the children in our class are.


As part of our health and growth topic, we talked about how we all vary in size. We measured each other to see how tall we were. Some of us are very tall for our age!

Sunday 27 September 2009

Using maths and ICT in science lessons.

After we completed our human sorting, we plotted our results in a graph using the computer.

Human Sorting.

Here we have sorted ourselves according to what colour eyes we have. Brown eyes seems to be the most popular colour in our class.

We enjoyed making the BFG and friends !

We made Giants out of materials

Human Sorting.

In Science we have been looking at Variation. We have talked about how we are the same and how we are different. We did some human sorting! Here we have sorted ourselves into different hair colours.

Can you guess who we have drawn ?
We hunted far and low !

Communicating through music

We have been composing long and short sounds using the instruments.

We went on an animal hunt and recorded our findings.


We have drawn self-portraits using chalks in the outdoor environment.

We played long and short sounds on our instruments.

Outdoor numeracy

We totalled our scores by using the highest number first.


Here we are making cakes to go on our class birthday graph. We talked about which month was the most popular month for birthdays in our class, and which was the least popular.

We enjoyed conducting our orchestra !

Animal Hunt

We went on a walk around our school to find different animals. We found this lovely caterpillar and talked about its life cycle after researching some information about it..

Our own BFG

We have created our own BFG using the style of Quentin Blake. We enjoy looking at his pictures.

The Outdoor Environment.

We love going outside to work. From our topic, we make models using the play dough and construction equipment.

Outdoor maths.

We throw beanbags into the nets and add our totals up as we go along.

Physical development.

We love using the bikes and scooters to help develop our balance.

Giant paintings

We have painted a selection of giants to go around our classroom. We had to pay attention to size and look carefully at different features.

Material collages.

As part of our topic this term,
we have made giants using material.
We had great fun, and think our
giants look great.