Sunday, 30 September 2012

Welcome to Year 2 ( 2012-13).

Our theme this term is 'Our World and Beyond'.

Here is our year 2 overview for the Autumn term.

Literacy and Language
Recounts – Writing about events that have happened.
Stories with familiar settings (characters, settings, event, problem, resolution).
Space inspired stories.
Poetry – rhyming / nonsense poetry.
Writing lists.
Writing Instructions /recipes.
Diary writing.
Punctuation – Capital letters, full stops, speech marks.
Reading Comprehension.

Mathematical Development
Count on and back in ones and tens.
Count 100 objects by grouping in 5s or 10s.
Splitting tens and units 56 = 5 tens 6 units.
Write, order and position numbers to 100.
Adding three numbers.
Number bonds to 10, 20, 100 i.e. 1 + 9, 2 + 18, 30 + 70
Missing numbers – addition and subtraction.
Estimate, measure lengths, cms and metres.
Time – days, weeks, months, seasons
2D & 3D shapes and their properties.
Doubles / Halves to 30.
Money – addition / giving change from £1 or £2.

Personal and Social Development
Class rules
All about me
Self – evaluation
Thinking skills
Making choices
Right and wrong
New beginnings.
What makes a good friend?

Knowledge and Understanding
Our Solar system.
Wales and the wider world.
Awareness of Pontyclun and mapping skills.
Care and concern for the world.
Changing Materials – sorting, man made and natural materials, heating and cooling process.
Forces and Movement
Transport through the ages. Neil Armstrong - One giant leap.

Creative Development
Exploring duration
Exploring pulse and rhythm.
Illustrator –Van Gogh Starry Night.
Design and make models – aliens / rockets / moon buggy.
Observational Drawings
Bonfire night craft.
Christmas Craft.

Physical Development
Gymnastics – PESS
Games – Throwing and Catching, ball skills and team building games.
Cutting and sticking
Building and constructing.
Handwriting manipulation.

Welsh Language Development