Yr 2 Summer Term Areas Of Learning Topic – Special Journeys
John Burningham stories
Jolly Phonics & handwriting / Jolly Grammar – verbs, nouns, adjectives, plurals, commas
Story mapping / writing.
Anthology – alphabetical order
Information texts – instructions/reports
Rhyme/alliteration in nonsense poems
Acrostic Poetry
Non-chronological report
Partition numbers into hundreds, tens and units
Round numbers to nearest 10 or 100
Find the difference between two numbers
Classify and describe 2D + 3D shapes
Recognise halves and quarters of shapes and numbers
Number bonds of 10, 20 and 100
Measure capacity in litres and millilitres
Use units of time, hour/minute/second
Read time, analogue and digital/quarter to + past
Understand multiplication and division
Personal and social Education
Special Journeys – personal stories
Journeys from the perspective of others
Changes and feelings
Response to moral situations
Inspirational people and their special journeys
Knowledge and Understanding
Electricity – appliances/batteries/
Forces and Movement -
Pushes and pulls/speed and direction/fair tests.
Travel and transport through the ages
Barnaby Bear – cities and rivers
The Prodigal Son/The Good Samaritan – Bible stories
Creative Development
Exploring sounds
Exploring timbre and tempo.
Weaving and sewing
Observational drawings – summer scenes
Clay modelling – mini bugs
Physical Development
Gymnastics – PESS – body schooling actions
Games – ‘striking’, ball control skills and team building games.
Cutting and sticking
Building and constructing.
Handwriting manipulation
Welsh Language Development
Actions vocabulary
Family vocabulary
Incidental phrases
Names of pets.