Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Yr 2 Summer Term Areas Of Learning Topic – Special Journeys

Yr 2 Summer Term Areas Of Learning Topic – Special Journeys
John Burningham stories
Jolly Phonics & handwriting / Jolly Grammar – verbs, nouns, adjectives, plurals, commas
Story mapping / writing.
Anthology – alphabetical order
Information texts – instructions/reports
Rhyme/alliteration in nonsense poems
Acrostic Poetry
Non-chronological report

Partition numbers into hundreds, tens and units
Round numbers to nearest 10 or 100
Find the difference between two numbers
Classify and describe 2D + 3D shapes
Recognise halves and quarters of shapes and numbers
Number bonds of 10, 20 and 100
Measure capacity in litres and millilitres
Use units of time, hour/minute/second
Read time, analogue and digital/quarter to + past
Understand multiplication and division

Personal and social Education
Special Journeys – personal stories
Journeys from the perspective of others
Changes and feelings
Response to moral situations
Inspirational people and their special journeys

Knowledge and Understanding
Electricity – appliances/batteries/
Forces and Movement -
Pushes and pulls/speed and direction/fair tests.
Travel and transport through the ages
Barnaby Bear – cities and rivers
The Prodigal Son/The Good Samaritan – Bible stories

Creative Development
Exploring sounds
Exploring timbre and tempo.
Weaving and sewing
Observational drawings – summer scenes
Clay modelling – mini bugs

Physical Development
Gymnastics – PESS – body schooling actions
Games – ‘striking’, ball control skills and team building games.
Cutting and sticking
Building and constructing.
Handwriting manipulation

Welsh Language Development
Actions vocabulary
Family vocabulary
Incidental phrases
Names of pets.

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Writing reports on Guinea Pigs.

We have been learning how to write reports. We had to find out lots of information about Guinea pigs. Mrs Williams kindly brought her two Guinea pigs in, and told us lots of information about them. This helped us when we were writing our reports on Guinea pigs.

The Cream of the Eggs

What do you think of Owen's Bonnet? He was one of our lucky winners!

Egg rolling

Can you see the longest roll of the day? What about the shortest?

Easter Egg winners.

We are the lucky winners of the Easter eggs!

Easter Parade

More pictures

Easter Bonnets

What do you think of our easter bonnets? Our teachers thought they were great!

Sorting animals

We have been sorting different animals using a carroll diagram.

Crispie Cakes

Following instructions.

We have been following instructions to make crispie cakes. We took it in turns to do each step.

Sequences of numbers.

We have been learning how to follow a sequence of numbers.

More Sports Relief pictures

Sport Relief

We had a really good time at the Sports relief event. Year six did a very good job of organising it for us.


It had been raining all night, so lots of animals came out to see us!

Signs of spring.

Look at the different types of plants we found around our school.