Monday, 25 January 2010

Spring Term Overview - Our World.

Language Literacy and Communication.
Around our world – Stories from other cultures – Kakulu and Uwulin, The Giant of Ahwahnee. Poems from around the world – Look by Grace Nichols, The Engine Driver by Clive Sansom, Goodbye Now by James Berry and The Pum Na-na Frogs by John Lyons .
Alphabetically ordered text – A is for Africa.
Explanations / Flow charts – Ladybird, Ladybird.
Jolly Grammar - Proper and common nouns, plurals, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, compound words, adverbs, speech marks.
Mathematical Development.Count on and back in 1s, 10s or 100s.
Odd and even numbers to 50. Ordinal numbers.
Comparing 2 digit numbers. Addition and subtraction facts. Adding three 1-digit numbers.
Right angles. Clockwise and anti-clockwise.
Interpreting information in block graphs.
Name 3D shapes and features. Count in 2s, 5s, and 10s. Multiplication – lots of / sets of / groups of. Division as grouping.
Knowledge and Understanding of the world.
Changing Materials – sorting, heating, melting, fair testing.
Plants and Animals – identification, differences, habitats, growth and reproduction, fair testing.
History - How have homes changed through the ages? Materials used to build homes. How were homes different – then and now? How did people cook their foods? Timeline of houses through the ages. Geography - Barnaby Bear series 2. Caring for the environment. Parts of the British Isles. Weather symbols. Mapping symbols / keys. Routes / Compass directions.
Religious Education
Community & lifestyle. Special places - Christian – Church, Chapel, Cathedral, and Home.
Judaism – Home, Synagogue.
The Easter Story.
Games – Ball skills – Throwing and catching. Rolling and Bowling skills. Team building games.
Art - African necklaces, Masks, Colour families, Weaving, Camouflage pictures, Totem Poles, Observational drawings of flowers.
Music Music express - Taking Off – Exploring Pitch. What’s the score – Exploring instruments and symbols.